Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chapter 11

This chapter was alright, though no real violent scenes disappointed me. But oh well, next chapter should make up for it. There were a lot of good descriptive lines in the chapter also. The line, "the fallen leaves lay like golden disclets in the damp black trail," brings up a good image of the contrast between the leaves and the ground of the trail.

The part where Glanton and the Delaware was fighting the bear was pretty epic. I thought it was pretty cool the bear had blond fur the color of honey. That's a pretty interesting thing to compare its color to, since bears typically are known for their love of honey. Also this bear is pretty tough. It's taken at least three shots from Glanton before other people came to shoot the bear as well. The Delaware indian, was pretty stupid though. Why would you punch a bear with your fist? I'm not a genius or anything, but I'm almost positive that trying to box with a bear is not a good idea. In fact the only thing that punching a bear in the face can do is make it mad, which is bad mmkay. Though I do feel pretty bad that the Delaware got caught by the bear and carried off. Apparently the fetal position didn't help him like it did Seth Green. A good simile describing the incident is, "the bear swung with the indian dangling from its mouth like a doll. That guy is obviously dead.

I thought it was cool that when the company camped in the ruins, the judge basically took all the stuff he found that was interesting and drew it in his book. Though it was strange that after he finished drawing all of them, he just threw them in the fire. It reminded me of a child that got bored with a toy.

It was interesting that the Webster guy was just mentioned now, when we've been on the company for a while. I wonder just how many people in the company are interesting that aren't mentioned or haven't been yet.

The story the judge told was pretty awesome, and it wasn't surprising that there were tons of different versions to the story. For some reason, I can't help but think that either the child or the traveler's son was actually the judge. It makes sense that the traveler's son is judge though, because the way he described the son about not getting the patrimony and all the lessons he wouldn't learn just seems like the son would be a criminal. Though the old man's boy also seems like he could be the judge because he grew up and became a killer of men. It could be just a story that's interesting to the judge, but I think that the way the judge told it, smiling and stopping at certain parts, just made it seem like he remembered it, not just reciting a story.

A cool quote that the judge uses here on page 145 is, "He is broken before a frozen god and he will never find his way." I think this means that this kid is lost to a path of darkness and destruction.

I looked up the Allegheny mountains to see exactly where they're at. Here's a link.

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