Friday, May 14, 2010

AAAAH Forgot my book!

Yeah, I kinda forgot my book at school last night so I read it during 1st this morning.... stupid AP tests knocked me of schedule.... luckily I had read most of this chapter before the tests AND its a short one so I didn't have to read too fast.

So I'll work from the back forward. First of all, McCarthy skips like 12 years into the future and sort of implies that he's been sailing and traveling aimlessly. I found his new priestly atire rather interesting, especially since he can't read the book he's carrying around. The end was rather disturbing...and puzzling. The old lady, it said, had been dead for "years." How does a body not rot after years? I could see this if it were a mummy or if it were frozen or something like that, but it seemed like it was in open air, though dry desert air, there would still be some moisture to degrade the body. I don't know....interesting.

Back in the town again, he gets arrested, most likely by some act of the judge. His early morning conversation with judge reveals a lot of what happened during the unmentioned times. I wonder if Tobin was really crazy, and, if so, whether he was also crazy in the desert with the kid. If he was, this could prove to be complementary to the judge. Either way, judge uses it to redeem himself with the kid. The judge says "his wits had stood him as far west as the Aquarius Mountains." The Aquarius Mountains are in Arizona, shown here. Page 307, judge carries on his traitor thing: "Buy you were a witness against yourself. You sat in judgemen on your own deeds. You put your own allowances before the dugements of history and broke with the body of which you were pledged a part and poisoned it in all its enterprise." What I got from this is that he thinks the kid is dooming himself by having the hope of a better life which is in contradiction with history.

The rest of the chapter, all I got from it was big word which I will now define for you.
die-an engraved stamp for impressing a design upon some softer material, as in coining money.
gravers and burins picture

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