Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ZOMG IM BLOGGING AGAIN!!! (chapter two dawgz)

And kind of a slow chapter it was... I'm not disappointed, but I was expecting a little more... how you say... violence. Oh well, anyway:

First of all, has anyone else noticed how he changes verb tense? At the beginning of this chapter (and the previous as well) the author writes in present tense, verbs such as tracks, falls, looks, you get the idea. And it's in the middle of a paragraph that the tense changes to past. When the Kid meets the hermit it is. I don't know what the significance of this is, but like we discussed earlier today, pretty much everything McCarthy does has a reason behind it.

I smiled at the hospitality and friendliness of the hermit. And it's not just the hermit; Toadvine was guilty too. In a time when people are so ruthless and angry, it's funny to see someone so happy to take care of another. Take a look at things today. When's the last time YOU took in a perfect stranger and showed him your prized n-word's-heart (I figured the real word isn't appropriate)? It's just interesting that someone can be so quick to house a person as he is to stab him.

And then at the Mexican bar in Bexar. I'm guessing the actual spoken Spanish is only arbitrary and that understanding the words isn't necessary. I think the point McCarthy is making is that the Kid and the Mexicans have no idea what the other is up to, which leads to an unhappy (dead) Mexican.

I was lost when the Kid met the cattle drovers. This was the only instance where the absence of quotations really messed things up. All I got was that a fella' named Lonnie is getting it a lot down in Bexar. Yeah, totally lost in the dialogue, no matter how many times I read it.

I don't want to toss up the word irony, because it's overused and often incorrectly. But I thought it was... say... well I know there's some meaning in having the dead bodies in the church. I figured there must have been some massacre there or some killing. Just kind of funny for that to happen the house of God.

Lastly I want to accent the long passage of dialogue from the hermit. I want to talk about it because I don't really understand it. "When God made man the devil was at his elbow." What does it all mean (basil)? Help me out religious folk. Or is this just the mindless ranting of a man separated from society? We just don't know... (we actually may know though).

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